4036 Ward Boulevard, Wilson, NC 27893

Scripture Readings:  Proverbs 23:9-16, Ezekiel 35-36, 2 Peter 3

Reflection Verses:  Proverbs 23:9

Reflection:  Beloved, fools are not able to hear anything except as it relates to their folly.  Any words of wisdom that are offered to fools are disregarded because they are unable to follow them.  Their ears are closed to common sense truth. They make a mockery of what they hear and of the person speaking this truth to them when that person is in their presence.

Prayer:  Dear Lord, thank You for Your love and care for me and all of mankind. Please Lord, guide me by Your Spirit, that my words may be few as I talk with the foolish. Help me to choose my words carefully so that I will only speak Your wisdom and care for them. Let the words of wisdom bypass their ears and pierce their hearts with Your love for them… In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.