4036 Ward Boulevard, Wilson, NC 27893

Scripture Readings:  Psalm 81, Judges 9, Mark 6:1-29

Reflection Verses:  Judges 9:56-57

Reflection:  In today’s text, Abimelech’s rule was never sanctioned by God.  He dishonored his father, Gideon, by killing his 70 brothers to establish himself as king, thus, creating a civil war. Eventually, Abimelech was killed as punishment for his sins and peace came to Israel again. Beloved, very often when we do things our own way the results are disastrous. That is because there is a way that seems right to a man – but the end thereof are the ways of death. We must do things God’s way!

Prayer:  Holy Father, Thank You for another day in Your Kingdom! Help us to trust You, and walk in Your ways. Deliver us from our own prideful ways that seek to exalt us above You.  Give us eyes to see You and Your glory and to know that You are to be exalted in all things… In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.