4036 Ward Boulevard, Wilson, NC 27893

Scripture Readings:  Psalm 95, I Samuel 24:14-26,

I Corinthians 1

Reflection Verse:  I Samuel 25:35

Reflection:  Abigail brought David and his men provisions after her husband, Nabal, had refused. David was going to seek revenge against Nabal, but Abigail wisely intervened. Abigail’s wisdom was heeded by David and he showed her great respect. Thus, a crisis was avoided. Beloved, The Lord may use anyone He chooses to give you a word of wisdom. Be very careful to listen when someone is talking sensibly to you. It may help you to avoid disaster.

Prayer:  Holy Father; Thank You for another day and another opportunity to live for You. Thank You, Lord, for those You send to us to give us good advice. We are grateful to them and respect them. Lord, empower us, that we may be one of those that You use to give good advice and council… In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.