4036 Ward Boulevard, Wilson, NC 27893

Scripture Readings:  Psalm 89:38-45, I Samuel 10:9-12, Mark 12:18-44

Reflection Verse:  I Samuel 12:5

Reflection:  Samuel conducted an audit of his tenure as prophet before turning over the leadership to Saul. Samuel reflected upon his ministry and asserted that he had not done anything that would discredit him or God. The people gave witness to him that his assertions were true. Beloved, it is important to keep our slates clean and conduct our business without corruption, so that our lives and actions honor God.

Prayer:  Our Father, which art in Heaven; You are awesome in all Your ways and we are grateful for Your care for us. Thank You for the plans that You have for our lives. Thank You for the power to live right, to treat others right, and to conduct our business right. Please forgive us when we fall short and sin against You. Help us to repent and to get better at living for You. Thank You, Holy Father, for allowing us to be a witness for You in the events of our life… In Jesus’ Name. Amen.